Lend a hand
Have you wanted to dedicate your time to charity but haven’t got the right opportunity? Modicare Foundation will help you make a meaningful impact. You can volunteer and spend time with the beneficiaries of our different projects. We encourage volunteerism in the following disciplines:
• Teach, painting, art & craft, dance, theatre, music, sports and any other creative activities with the students.
• Handling the Foundation’s social media pages.
• Development of online content
If you wish to volunteer, just drop us an email at contact-mf@modi-ent.com with the details of your area of interest and time on hand and we will get back to you with a plan.

Be Our Volunteer
Lend a hand
- Have you wanted to dedicate your time to charity but haven’t got the right opportunity? Modicare Foundation will help you make a meaningful impact. You can volunteer and spend time with the beneficiaries of our different projects. We encourage volunteerism in the following disciplines:
- Teach; School curriculum, painting, art & craft, dance, theatre and any other creative activities.
- Documentation.
- Advocacy.
- Assist in the day to day workings at the project offices.
- If you wish to volunteer, just drop us an email with the details of your area of interest and time on hand and we’ll get back to you with a plan.