Hifazat is a comprehensive health program for the underprivileged communities, initiated in 2020. The primary objective of Hifazat is to bring about an improvement in the health status of primary school children, their mothers and their community at large through preventive and curative care.
What We Do
Webinars with medical experts -
Health camps for the community -
School health program – Dispensary with a full time Nurse at the schools in Jasola and Noor Nagar with a visiting doctor -
Awareness videos by medical experts on eye care, dental care and gynecological issues on social media
Our Trainings
- Life Skills
- Growing Up
- Responsible Behaviour
- Substance Abuse
- Peer Pressure and Bullying
- Child Sexual Abuse
- Gender Sensitization
- Safe Touch and Unsafe Touch
- Nutrition
- Health and Hygiene
- Bullying
- HIV/AIDS and Sexual health
- Stress Management
- Gender Sensitization and POSH
- POCSO Awareness
Our Reach
Over 4500 children and their families are currently serviced by the Dispensary -
Distribution of over 35,000 ration bags during COVID-19 to needy families -
Support to MCD COVID Health Camps -
Distribution of medical kits in the community which has all the First Aid essentials -
Distribution of 6000 masks to the community -
Dental, Eye and Gynecology camps held for the community
Our Impact
95% – of the trained persons found the training useful
88% – of the trained persons felt the quality of training was excellent
90% – of the participants believed that after the training, they were able to express their thoughts clearly and communicate more effectively
80% – of the participants have experienced an increase in their self-esteem and care for others.
73% – of the participants are aware of growing up issues which includes, responsible sexual behaviour and HIV/AIDS
60% – of the participants changed their attitude towards gender norms and roles
A Snapshot
- Dental Check-up at the Health Mela
- Eye Check-up at the Health Mela
- Health Card for Children to Track their Development
- Health Kit which was Distributed in the Community
- School Dispensary
- Masks distributed by the Foundation
- Team of Teachers and doctors at Health Camp